I’m so glad to let you know, in one month after we opened the registration,Insurance Analytics&AI Innovation China 2019(Jan 9-10th, Shanghai)has already gathered more than 200 companies from insurance companies, technology vendors, IT/Software vendor and other core product & service vendors, which verifiedInsurance Analytics&AI Innovation China 2019(Jan 9-10th, Shanghai)to bethe hottestInsurance Analytics&AI InnovationConference in China.If you haven’t join in the great attendee list, sincerelyinvite you to book your seats now and don’t miss the occasionwhich may exert a tremendous influenceon China insurtech development.
25+ Confirmed Eminent Speakers25+已确认演讲大咖 |
** Inrandomrank排名不分先后 sFei Yao, Vice Chairman,Insurance Society of China 姚飞,副会长,中国保险学会 sZhanbo Zhao, Director of Insurance,Beijing Institute of Big Data Research 赵占波,保险大数据研究中心主任,北京大数据研究院 sCindy Forbes, EVP & Chief Analytics Officer,Manulife 辛迪·福布斯,执行副总裁&首席分析官,宏利保险 sLaura Cao, Vice President and Chief Analytics Officer, Asia,Manulife 曹丽芳,亚洲副总裁&首席分析官,宏利保险 sXavier Veyry, Chief Executive Officer, China,AXA 泽维尔·维伊瑞,中国首席执行官,法国安盛集团 sShuyan Dai, Deputy General Manager,Taiping General Insurance 戴曙燕,副总经理,太平财产保险有限公司 sXiongzhi Zhou, General Manager of Data Intelligence,Taikang Insurance Group 周雄志,数据智能部总经理,泰康保险集团 sYuhui Yao, Group Vice President, Head of Customer Analytics and Behavioral Insights,FWD Group 姚玉辉,集团副总裁& 客户分析与行为洞察总裁,富卫集团 sNeil Gardner, Chief Customer Officer,Generali Asia 尼尔·加德纳,亚洲首席客户官,忠利保险集团 Steven Shao, Chief Medical Officer, Healthcare,China Pacific Life Insurance 邵晓军,健养中心首席医务官,中国太平洋寿险 sChunmeng Li, General Manager of Data Management,Sunshine Life Insurance 李春萌,数据管理部总经理,阳光人寿保险 sEpaminondas Sourlas, Director of Healthcare Analytics,Bupa 伊巴密浓达·苏尔拉斯,医疗分析总监,保柏集团 sWei Bi, Assistant General Manager,OneConnect Technology 毕伟,总经理助理,金融壹账通 sPeter Tilocca, Chief Underwriter,Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) 彼得·提洛卡,首席承保官,澳新银行 sVincent Qi, General Manager of Innovation Center,CPIC Allianz Health Insurance 戚开铭,创新中心总经理,太保安联健康保险股份有限公司 sRuxue Xia, Deputy General Manager of Big Data, Actuarial Department,Ping An Health Insurance 夏如雪,健康险总部产品精算大数据部副总经理,平安健康保险股份有限公司 sKevin Chen, CEO,ZhongAn Information Technology 陈玮,首席执行官,众安科技 sYong Peng, Director of Big Data Lab,ZhongAn Insurance 彭勇,大数据实验室总监,众安保险 sEmotibot 竹间智能 sLeo Zhou, CEO,Webot Technology 周柳阳,首席执行官,智言科技 sWill Yang, Founder & CEO,Beijing 11Bee Technology Co., Ltd. 杨威,创始人&首席执行官,北京十一贝科技有限公司 sGuanjun Jiang, Principal & Consulting Actuary,Milliman 蒋冠军,首席&精算顾问,明德咨询 sMarshall Luo, Founder & CEO,Chengshu Tech Global 罗皓,创始人&首席执行官,聚信立 sAmiory Pang, CEO,QBTech 庞文君,首席执行官,企保科技 sYangang Wen, Director of Management Informatization, Shanghai,BeiJing Seeyon Internet Software Corp. 温艳岗,上海管理信息化咨询总监,北京致远互联软件股份有限公司 |
Best Regards,